
Monday, May 20, 2019

When you hate so much


I hate it
So much

When people start arguing
I just don't care

But, for the last 20 years
I have this one dream

To change the government


Yes, change the government

But, you hate politic?

Yes, but I still want to change the government

I don't even want to work for government until the government change

And it did change
And I was literally forced to work for new government

Still, I hate politic. 

Back and Reclaim

Writing is an exploration
You start from nothing
And learn as you go

I think that's also apply on life
We start from nothing
And learn as we go

So, I decided to keep writing
For me to keep living

Let's blogging again
Since I don't know how to start
And I start long time ago by blogging

I miss my self that time
I am not perfect
My life full of flaw
And I pray everyday for Allah to help me
To go through that difficult life

And His favour does reach me
Counting back all my prayers
Allah answers almost everything
And I am not realized it
Because I am so busy
Complaining about everything

When I decided to stop
Looking back at the trail of time that passed
Allah shows me everything that I forgot
And I know I have lost myself
Because I forgot to be grateful
And to thank Allah for everything He gives me

It's a good thing that I stop
And take time to reflect

And Alhamdulillah I decided to continue again
To reclaim my best self